
Simon Ward wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 06:20:32PM +0200, Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
>> I cannot speak for everyone, but I do think that the general idea is to make 
>> the ODbL work like a copyleft license (i.e. you're required to distribute 
>> the "source" data only to the people you distribute the maps to). You'll 
>> have 
>> to wait for the final, revised version to be sure.
> I’d rather not wait for a less than acceptable licence.  I’d like to
> sort out any problems beforehand.
> For me, allowing my contributions to be distributed without a
> share-alike is going to take some pretty damn good convincing.

The issue that you are quoting Ivan with is not a 
share-alike-or-not-share-alike question. It is the question of whom you 
have to share with. The *current* license (and also the usual GNU 
licenses) say that if you give a derived product to X, you also have to 
give X the source code and the rights to pass it on etc. (and X *might* 
then choose to make everything public - mut he might also not).

The propsed license text - and I believe that is by accident rather than 
by design - always talks about the public: If you give THE PUBLIC a 
derived product you also have to etc.etc., but what if you give it only 
to X?


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