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On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 6:58 AM, Niklas Cholmkvist  wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a map which the technical service of my local authority gave me
> when I visited their building and asked for a map, showing the
> geographical boundaries of this authority.
> I now have a letter ready to be sent to them. Since it is in the Greek
> language I've translated it to English, and made it a bit more general,
> so it could point to any local
> authority. I've searched in the wiki a bit in the past for a map use
> request to a local authority, but just found such information scattered
> around. Anyway, here is the letter:
> Map of Municipality of Sykies
> To: Technical Service of the Municipality of Sykies – Department of city
> planning & Cadastre
> Address: Lechovou 4
> Postal Address: 566 26
> Hello,
> I'm interested in using information that exists on the map and use it
> (either as is or with changes) in a database of the organisation
> openstreetmap. The geographical information that exist in this database
> is licensed under Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported [1].
> Openstreetmap is an organisation which tries to create a free map where
> volunteers help out with geographical information, from many places of
> the world.
> If it's not possible, may I have your permission to use the information
> of the map of the municipality of Sykies and add them to the database of
> openstreetmap?
> I'm waiting for your reply
> My name
> My address and postcode
> My regular phone
> My cell/mobile number
> My email
> Notes:
> [1] : Brief information on the webpage
> http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.el

While your link is correct, the name of the license is not.  OSM uses
the 2.0 BY-SA license, whose full name is "Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

> If you have any suggestions on changes, or know of a place in the wiki
> where something like a template for such a letter can be found I would
> be happy.

I have added the legal-talk list to this thread.  This sort of thing
is probably best discussed there instead of the newbies list.

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