On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 02:17:46AM +1100, Joseph Gentle wrote:
> We won't have all the data under one license though. Never will if
> we're incorporating TIGER data and data from other governments.

Exactly, the point to keep in mind here is that you don’t relicense
stuff (at least not without much paperwork), you incorporate stuff that
has a licence compatible with yours.  In much GPL software, PD and MIT
is acceptable, but the BSD licence with advertising clause isn’t because
it adds another incompatible restriction (the advertising clause).  With
OSM data it is similar:  OSM can import TIGER data because it’s PD, but
can not incorporate data from Ordnance Survey that at first glance seems
free but also restricts commercial use (unless licenced for many £).

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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