
A Morris wrote:
> (o) Ensure that users of the data contribute back any improvements they make.

... even if this should mean that the number of users will be much 
smaller than otherwise?

> (o) Ensure that users of the data contribute back any improvements they make.

... even if this should mean that even legitimate users with the best 
intentions will be unable to use OSM data for purposes where they have 
insufficient control over the data they want to combine with OSM, and 
will have to resort to expensive commercial data even if it is only for 
a research project at university, or drop the project altogether?

> Seriously though, the PD/share-alike debate cannot be condensed down
> to two sentences. The situations listed above are not theoretical;
> most people will not even have considered the possible consequences of
> PD, and certainly not if they take any notice of the pro-PD propaganda
> on this list.

Seriously though, the situations listed above are not theoretical; most 
people will not even have considered the possible consequences of SA, 
believing that share-alike just protects you from the "evil" things 
while allowing everything that is "well-meaning" and "good" to somehow 
magically go ahead.


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