I have created a wiki page for people to make personal statements about
their position on licencing here:

If I ever want to tell anyone where I stand on the matter I can link them to
my statement:

I have put some proposed rules at the top of the page as a starting point.
The main thing I am trying to avoid with the rules is the page turning into
an argument; it is a place where everyone has a small bit of real-estate to
write whatever their opinion is. The only requirement is that they d not say
something that is factually untrue and in this case the fact is challenged
with a signed comment underneath until the issue is resolved and the
challenge is then removed. Any arguments should take place on legal-general.

The proposed rules are as follows:
"Entries on this page should be written and signed by individuals. 
"Please do not modify or comment on other peoples statements on this page
other than to point our verifiable factual errors. In all other
circumstances please let them stand as written and make your own one clearly
highlight your own personal view. 
"Any resulting discussions should occur on legal-general. 
"Entries in each list should be kept in alphabetical order (so please add
your entry at the appropriate place). 

I am posting information about the page here in case anyone who is
discussing SA and is not on legal-general wants to get on the soap-box and
say their piece. If you have any comments about this new page then please
make them on legal-general.



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