
I've had an entertaining morning going through pretty much all of the
posts to this forum, and many of my initial questions are answered
already (OSM newbie here). I do have a question or two which i am
hoping someone here can help me answer.

I'm busy building an application that is looking to leverage OSM data
(commercial application, distributed with some hardware, not open
source). In order to distribute that application in an offline
environment, and not sit with 100Gigs worth of files, I understandably
have to filter out everything the end user won't need, and try store
the data in a format that is highly optimized.

Background facts:
I am not going to change any underlying OSM data... everything will
come from the planet file and the subsequent diff files. I would just
filter out things that are not absolutely required (so basically keep
street level data).
I am looking to store the data in a custom (potentially binary based)
format to try save space, so I will change the way it is stored... the
OSM XML is really bloated for what we need.

Here are the questions:

1. Would I be allowed to leave out the "user" and "timestamp" tags in
the version that I create? Could I leave out any unnecessary tags
(there are a few)? These tags just create extra data storage
requirements and really don't help the situation (I want to filter
down to the size of a single DVD if possible). The way we want to
store the data, it's not likely that users would be able to access it
in any case.

2. Do I need to make this data available in any other way other than
on the DVD that we distribute with the software? There's no added
benefit that I see for others, as it's just a cut down version of the
OSM database (other people loose out on data). There is a concern that
we would have to incur a substantial cost if we were to make this
freely available over the internet as we are operating in a costly
bandwidth environment. This may not be possible. We may also change
the format with software updates, and don't really want to have to
publish our format, get other people hooked on it.. then get
restricted in our efforts to change it at whim.

We would obviously attribute the map data source to Open Street Map...
or the users... or whatever make sense (suggestions?).

Thanks for any replies.


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