
I am developing a Location based application that will both be
available on mobile devices and on the internet.

I plan to use OSM data, convert it and import it into my custom
designed database.
I also plan to generate my own tiles based on OSM data, certainly
aggregated with other commercial and non.commercial (open) data

My mobile client will download the tiles that I will have generated
and display them with Point of Interest information that will be
coming from OSM, commercial data, and user generated content / POIs .

What I want to know is if my application itself and my website (that
will be presenting a google/OSM style Ajax map)  has to be licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 or is it only
the subset of OSM data the I will be working with ?

Is it OK to sell my application provided that references and links to
OSM are provided when OSM based Tiles and POIs are presented and used
inside my app ??

What exactly can I do with the OSM licensing model when I use OSM data
into my application (note that the data is not included as-is in the
app but downloaded as tiles inside my client)

Many thanks for your insights !

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