On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Greg Holloway
<peanutzkingpeng...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I hope i have picked the right list to ask these questions, please alow me
> to explain myself;
> I am a 4x4 off-roader and i have a laptop on the dash of my vehicle running
> memory map. I have been searching the internet for cheap & detailed maps. I
> have had little success. I took the decision to make my own maps. I have
> began compiling DVDs/CDs with map data taken from the US Gov GeoCover
> website https://zulu.ssc.nasa.gov/mrsid/mrsid.pl and openstreetmap xml data.
> i have then encoded it into geotiff tiles for use with memory map and other
> gps based software.
> i have the intention of selling the dvds at cost, around £10. this will
> include a donation of £2.50 to openstreetmap. the remainder of the money
> will cover the free postage,ebay fees and the cost of a dvd with a case. I
> have been trying to find someone at openstreetmap that can help me with the
> legalities of putting openstreetmap onto a dvd which i then sell. I don't
> want to step on anyone toes as it were.
> for an idea of what i am doing point your browsers to
> http://maps.sj410.co.uk on there i have the html which autorun when the
> dvd/cd is inserted into the users pc. i have only started work on iceland
> for the moment but i hope to include other contries if what i am doing is
> acceptable.

What you're doing is just fine by the CC-BY-SA license. You're also
not modifying the map data so all you have to worry about is making it
clear when you distribute it that it's from OpenStreetMap

See this text for more information:

The attribution appropriate to your medium I think would be:

* If you're printing something on the DVD itself or its casing it
should include "(c) OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SA"
somewhere or a similar text you can reasonably fit.
* In your autorun HTML you should not refer to the OSM license as
"OpenStreetMap.Org Creative Commons License" but rather something like
"OpenStreetMap data available under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license" with a link to the

How will users view your maps? Are you just distributing GeoTIFF files
or do you bundle some sort of map viewer as well?

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