
    I don't quite follow your logic.

You seem to be saying:

1. there is no proof that CC-BY-SA doesn't work;

2. there is danger that anything based on contract law weakens the 
protection we have for our data (because breach of contract doesn't give 
us a strong handle)

3. you accept that CC-BY-SA uncertainties may have turned off some 
potential users

4. you would happily go along with dual-licensing OSM under CC-BY-SA and 
   "some other, more permissive" license.

Is that a correct sum-up?

If so, then would not the "other, more permissive" license you are 
willing to grant in 4 automatically lead to the weakened protection from 2?

"Dual licensing", after all, means that the licensee can choose any of 
the available licenses and not be bound by all the others he or she does 
not choose.


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