What's required of my customers? I'm hoping that if I attribute on my
website and in my app that will be enough. Some broadcasters are
hesitant of using attribution.

I've seen attribution on TV several times. Mostly for bigger companies like Microsoft. Why should this be impossible with an open project like openstreetmap?

In case that a broadcaster wants to send a picture with OSM data, he is the person, who uses the data and so he is the person who has to do what the license says.

The license says (

| How to credit OpenStreetMap
| If you are using OpenStreetMap map images, we request that your
| credit reads at least “© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA”. If
| you are using map data only, we request “Map data © OpenStreetMap
| contributors, CC-BY-SA”.
| Where possible, OpenStreetMap should be hyperlinked to
|  and CC-BY-SA to
| If you are using a
| medium where links are not possible (e.g. a printed work), we suggest
| you direct your readers to (perhaps by
| expanding ‘OpenStreetMap’ to this full address) and to

That's what the license says and noone here will be able to tell you something else.

It's the job of the broadcaster to add this type of credit to his publication! If you don't tell your customers, that they have to respect the CC-BY-SA license, then what you do is to relicense data, you don't own, under a different license to your customer.

So much so as to flat out not use product
requiring attribution. For example, some NBC affiliates won't use Google
Earth due to the attribution requirements. That's why there are still
mapping companies like Curious Maps.

You don't have to pay. Anything, you have to do, is to name the author ( contributors), so where is your problem? If your customer prefers to pay for data, that doesn't need attribution, he should pay for it.

You can't just take the data, without doing what the license says. If you don't like the license, then please don't use the data.

Some of these guys would rather pay than risk attributing an unknown product.

One idea behind attribution is, that gets a more known project.



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