On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 1:35 PM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 8:01 AM, James Livingston
> <li...@sunsetutopia.com> wrote:
>> * Currently you can import any data with a compatible licence (e.g. 
>> CC-BY-SA, CC-BY), you can't if we change without the copyright holder's 
>> permission
> This is a tremendous improvement in my opinion.  I'd like to see every
> data publisher as informed and enthusiastic about having contributed
> to OpenStreetMap as the everyday mapper.

Have the Ordnance Survey given permission to OSMF for data to be
imported under the terms of the contributor agreement?

My reading of the contributor terms is that I have to be the copyright
owner of all data I add.  But some of the data I've added recently was
based on OSSV tracing and as such I don't own the copyright - I'm
licensed to use it SS-BY by Ordnance Survey.

As such as of the second I added something based on licensed data I am
unable to sign up to the contributor terms.

Please correct me if you spot a mistake here - I'd love to know what
I've missed.


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