On Aug 19, 2010, at 2:43 PM, John Smith wrote:

> On 20 August 2010 06:40, SteveC <st...@asklater.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 19, 2010, at 2:35 PM, John Smith wrote:
>>> On 20 August 2010 06:32, SteveC <st...@asklater.com> wrote:
>>>> Sure, but the OSMF's legal remit is very, very different to NearMaps.
>>> At this point in time we could be told anything by OSM-F and it has to
>>> be taken on good faith that it was an actual opinion by a lawyer,
>>> which can't be quoted directly.
>> Oh you think the LWG might be lying or making it all up? I remember quite 
>> clearly WSGR's point that they can't advise the whole community, just the 
>> LWG/OSMF and that putting advice in public jeopardizes their ability to give 
>> advice.
> I said we have to take it on good faith the original intent is
> conveyed, because it's someone's interpretation of what was said,
> rather than a direct quote.
>> Maybe it's fine to publish advice as public opinion in Australia. I don't 
>> know.
> Stop quoting things out of context, neither OSM-F nor Nearmap gave
> anything but interpretations of what was said, yet it's ok in your
> opinion to question what they've said as being accurate but not OSM-F.

Where did I question it's accuracy?



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