
I'm sort of sick of allegations that what I say and do in the community is somehow tainted by myself doing business in OSM. Here's a quote from talk a while ago:

Chris Browet wrote:
The fact that many key players (SteveC, Frederik, Richard(?)) in the project also have commercial interests in the OSM data also make me nervous and doubtful.

I assure you it does not have to make you nervous. Just because someone earns money doesn't automatically make him an asshole with no morals. Basically, everyone who writes what you wrote above somehow seems to want to say: "We must always consider that he might be lying to us because he wants to make more money."

This makes me sad; I spend a lot of time with OSM stuff, and I could certainly be making a lot more money if I'd take a job in some IT consultancy. But I chose to work in OSM because that way I get to do what I like. Hear? WHAT I LIKE. I have found a way to earn a living from doing what I like, and helping to move the project forward while I'm doing that.

Until now, I have had exactly one prospective client who, after I had explained the CC-BY-SA to him, want away with a "no thank you", and I have had exactly one prospective client for whom the CC-BY-SA would have been fine but his project wouldn't work with the ODbL (forcing him to release a database he would not have wanted to release), so he went away too.

So the ODbL isn't really better or worse for business - it depends, or at least that's my view.

In a way, of course, I have a "business interest" in OSM growing and becoming better, but can you hold that against me?

You could also say that I have a "business interest" in the license matter being resolved one way or the other becaus that saves me from having to explain *two* licenses to every prospective customer which is a bit painful sometimes.

And as for me being a "key player" - I am writing a lot on the lists, I am mapping a bit, I have written some software, and I am on the data working group. I am not essential to anything OSM does, don't hold an OSMF post (nor have I ever sought one)...


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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