On Thu, Sep 02, 2010 at 12:39:11PM +0100, Rob Myers wrote:
> On 09/02/2010 11:24 AM, TimSC wrote:

> >1) How is the future direction of OSM determined? Community consensus?
> >OSMF committees with OSMF votes? Something else?
> Consensus decision making doesn't mean a 100% plebiscite vote or
> minority veto power. It means an honest attempt to converge on a
> compromise. Given this, the ODbL does represent community consensus.
> It represents a compromise between many different ideological
> positions present in the community around the norms that have
> emerged in discussion over the years.

I don’t see much compromise happening from OSMF on the contributor
terms.  There is a very small amount, but OSMF seems to want to stick as
close to what they have, with no chance of what they consider a
significant change.

The contributor terms are now the sticking point for many people against
the ODbL+DbCL+CT combination, and these are not just people against a
licence change from CC by-sa, but people who are in principle happy with
the licence change.

These contributor terms define a large part of how the future direction
of OSM may be determined.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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