On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 12:55 AM, Prado, Renato (R.P.)
<rpr...@visteon.com> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Are you planning to just overlay your data over the background map as
>> a separate and independent layer? If yes, then this would qualify as a
>> collective work under CC and you just need to attribute OSM in the
>> suggested way.
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> The idea is to leave the OSM maps intact serving as the background of my
> data cloud (which would be an unrelated database, locally stored,
> containing data and lat/lon coordinates), both during online viewing and
> in printed reports, with text properly stating that the maps are by OSM,
> licensed XYZ. My potential customers would pay for those reports.
> One image is worth a thousand words:
> http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwFnmupPSmD2eqpE0dN0S9WlG0s-FzF
> rbr4gQzMYlkuvkwILk&t=1&usg=__9kS2vS-zZAo9ndGB4HU-H8foRaw=
> As per my understanding, this should qualify as a collective work since
> I would not be changing any of the maps and would properly acknowledge
> the OSM in both online and printed forms, but I would like to be sure
> prior to investing in this project.

Yes, just attribute OSM in the suggested way. You can use the provided
attribution mechanism in OpenLayers to make your job easier. :-)

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