On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 12:27 PM, Kevin Sharpe
<kevin.sha...@btinternet.com> wrote:
>>In what jurisdiction?
> People will be adding data worldwide.

Basically, I think you have three choices.  1) You consider your data
to be valuable enough to hire a lawyer to try to figure out a way to
keep people from using it without restriction.  2) You don't consider
the data to be very valuable, and can release it under a license which
allows others to use it without restriction (PDDL, CC0, DbCL, etc).
3) You can not bother with either, and not know whether or not your
data can be used without restriction (in my IANAL opinion, in most
jurisdictions, it probably can be).

>>yes, anyone can extract and use your data without restriction, regardless
> of whether or not it's added to OSM.
> Is this true? If we encourage people to add data direct to OSM then is that
> data not covered by the OSM license?

A license grants people permission to do something.  If people don't
need permission, then the license is irrelevant.

> What happens if someone extracts some other details from OSM when extracting
> the data we supplied?

I'm not sure what the question is as to "what happens".

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