
I'm Juan Pizarro from Chile, and I'm working on a web aplication used
osm data.

The idea is to locate Events(concerts, parties, etc) in a specific
place, for example a osm place node, our users can comments the events
and the places, give some scores...

We will have a diferent license for the Events, events comments, scores
information than the OSM projects uses.

If I understand, based on the previous messages in this thread.

if we have a table with the relation osm_id_node, event_id.
and other table event_id, name, description, ...

or osm_id_node, comment_id and other comment_id,text

we only have to release the tables relation osm_id_node, event_id and
osm_id_node, comment_id under the CC-BY-SA license or ODbL , because are
derived from OSM
and the other tables can licensed under wich one we will because aren't
derived from OSM.


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