I'm not certain that OpenStreetMap supports that activity.

All available data needs to be added to OpemStreetMap, and cannot be
extracted for any external gis system, unless the complete external
gis system is previously imported into OpenStreeMap.

Checking with legal for the use. OpenStreetMap is a ccBYsa/odbl map,
and is not a public domain or CCBY map, by any streatch


On 12/4/10, Colin McGregor <colin.mc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am doing some stuff with the "Random Hacks of Kindness" folks
> (http://www.rhok.org/) and am looking for a list of geo-referenced
> hospitals. Anyone know an easy way to get this info. out of Open
> Street Map, or baring that know of another source of this data that
> could be freely re-used by not for profits looking to help co-ordinate
> disaster responses...
> Thanks.
> Colin McGregor
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