On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 4:25 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> There is *no* way for OSMF to, for example,
> * license the data under a non-free or non-open license

Free according to whom?  Open according to whom?

> * license the data under a license not agreed to by 2/3 of active
> contributors
> * change the definition of "active contributor"

As was pointed out in another thread, nothing stops OSMF from
selectively locking out certain individuals so that they cannot remain
active contributors.  To change the CT, all they have to do is 1)
require all contributors to sign a new CT.  2) Wait 3 months.  3) Have
a vote on the new CT among the users who have already signed the new
CT.  Anyone who refused to sign the new CT would not have made an edit
in the last 3 months so they would be ineligible for voting.

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