
80n wrote:
Share alike is a very simple thing to define.  If you receive
something you can only distribute it under exactly the same terms that
you received it.

According to *that* definition, ODbL is not a share-alike license. The poster to whom I replied, however, seemed to be of the opinion that data he receives under the provision "share alike only" was ODbL compatible.

Not even CC-BY-SA is a share-alike license according to your definition because you may distribute data received under CC-BY-SA under a higher version of the license, which may contain whatever terms Creative Commons deem suitable.

So either your "simple" definition of share-alike is correct and everyone in real life is doing it wrong. Or maybe it is too simple.

Which was precisely the point I was trying to make.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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