Frederik Ramm <frede...@...> writes:

>Or OSMF could simply sell off the servers, have a grand board meeting on 
>the Maledives with all expenses paid, and declare bankruptcy afterwards.
>Oh wait, they can do that even now.

I do rather agree with you that trying to nail down and exclude all the 
and evil things that might be done by the OSMF is a pointless endeavour.  It is
the same kind of paranoia that brought us the overcomplicated and legalistic
ODbL licence.  It probably makes more sense to state things like 'there should
be a vote of active contributors before any licence change' or 'the OSMF is 
to support the project but not control it' as community expectations or
a kind of 'constitution', rather than trying to put them into the CTs or other
legal documents.

Ed Avis <>

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