Anthony schrieb:
1) You can't take things out of the public domain.

Of course you can't. But you can AFAIK (still, IANAL, bare that in mind) make new contributions or a derived work and put that under any different terms you like, right?

I think it's clear that what is currently in the OSM DB will can be used under what the current terms apply, so we can't take away the unfairness for the data that is in there already - we can for data we add in the future though, from the point on where we contribute under changed terms.

That said, I personally would have no problem if we'd have our data be PD in all jurisdictions, and I have no problem with having the same share-alike-type terms in all (major) jurisdictions. What I have a problem with is if we provide a significantly different playing field dependent on where in the world you are. A geographical database with geographical unfairness somehow feels wrong to me. ;-)

Robert Kaiser

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