Funny, based on my last question, the OSM will not be able to use
cc-by-sa data in the future.

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 6:49 PM, Kolossos
<> wrote:
> This september will be a relative large event from Wikimedia-side across
> europe: "Wiki Loves Monuments". It is a public photo contest around
> monuments (overview of the cultural heritage, also small houses) and we will
> create lists of monuments in Wikipedia:
> We (Wikipedia-people) will ask different official side for the object lists
> they have as starting point for us. This lists will contains a lot of
> objects (>10.000) with adresses, descriptions, coordinates (with luck), year
> of build, architect,....
> My question is now under which license or terms we should ask for these list
> so that they later reusable for OpenStreetMap. Would a CC-BY-SA ok or should
> it be ODBL?
> Greatings Tim alias Kolossos
>  P.S: Are there other ideas to involve OSM in this project?
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James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova and Albania

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