
[I am sorry if this is a FAQ, but this matter is urgent, and a cursory web
search has not provided sufficient information for me to answer these

I am in negotiation with a provider of aerial images (for Austria), who
wants to allow "OpenStreetMap"pers to use these aerial images. So far, the
terms clearly do not allow this, but the provider is willing to change the
terms. He has made a new draft, where he restricts use of the images data
directly, but allows derivative works, provided they be placed under CC BY
SA 3.0 Österreich/Austria.

I assume that the Austrian version of CC BY SA is compatible with the
(generic/unported?) one OSM uses currently? (Can someone confirm this?)

What about the compatibility of Versions 2.0 and 3.0? If we are allowed to
redistribute derived work in Version 3.0, can we do so also in Version 2.0,
as this is what OSM requires currently in my understanding?

[Another issue of course is that we should be allowed dual licensing
including ODbL, but I already clarified this to the image provider]

Is there any other thing I should ensure being present in the license
granted, to be usable by us?

Holger Schöner - nume...@ancalime.de

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