On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 7:03 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> * Agreeing user A creates the node with amenity=restaurant
> * Disagreeing user B adds name=Fred's Pizza Place
> * Agreeing user C changes name=Tom's Pasta Emporium
> this node is clearly "clean" already, because it does not contain traces of
> B's work any longer. However a quite similar example...
> * Agreeing user A creates the node with amenity=restaurant
> * Disagreeing user B adds name=Freds Pizza Place
> * Agreeing user C changes name=Fred's Pizza Place
> ,,, suddenly isn't that clear-cut anymore. Has user C really surveyed the
> place, or has he maybe just run a bot that used complex rules to "fix"
> names?

Do we have any clear policy spelling out what constitutes "clean"?
Presumably there are some principles based on the "derived works"
language in Creative Commons (IIRC...) But do we really know what a
"derived work" for a single fact is?

Does the test "does not contain traces of non-CT-accepting users'
work" hold up? How is "trace" defined? etc etc


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