
On 01/18/2012 05:46 PM, andrzej zaborowski wrote:
In one of the cases I'm talking about, those people never had the
intention to deal with OpenStreetMap, they had a similar project to
OSM under CC-By-SA long before OSM existed.  Now OSM uses their map
data and entire cities initially imported from their project are shown
green.  This is a consequence of how LWG wrote the Contibutor Terms
and the cleanness-criteria.

If somewhere an "entire city [is] shown green" then this means that *someone* in OSM has added "odbl=clean" to all the objects. That person, and not LWG, bears the responsibility. Can you point to an example?

I can understand people when they can't agree to the CT's for a variety of
reasons, but why they would feel 'cheated' when the rest of us are merely
trying to continue where they left off minimizing the damage, is beyond me.

And this is something I can not understand.  Say that you're
contributing to a project with some purpose or license.  Now a
subgroup of contributors wants to change this and continue without any
losses.  If the original contributors don't think the new direction is
correct, why should they all have to help that subgroup?

I think that Jo does not talk about "helping" (in terms of doing work), but just about letting what you call a "subgroup" have the data. I.e. they don't have to actively spend time; the work is already done; all it needs is a "yes".

And while you're right in saying that just because you agree to let others have your work und free and open license A it doesn't mean that you also like free and open license B, the truth is that from a small distance, we're all in the same camp, the group of people who like free and open licenses. We might have our differences, some of us have a beard and prefer the team "free software" while others are clean-shaved and talk about "open source software", and so some this sounds like a real big deal, but you only have to take one step back and you'll see that basically we're all of the same tribe.

And this is what is difficult to understand. The tribe and its "sub-group" are still far closer in culture, ideas, and outlook than the tribes on the other side of the river. They should stick together.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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