
As I've indicated already, in my local area - Hampshire - there are very large 
numbers of footpaths contributed by a former mapper who has declined the CTs 
and so obviously I'm concerned about the impact of April 1st.

Remapping these on the ground is going to be a huge job and something I'm 
unlikely to have the time for. However, I was thinking: in areas where I know 
for sure there's a footpath, could I use the original GPX trace as source 
material? Or, if the GPX was contributed by the former mapper does that mean 
that the actual OSM data would inherit the declined status from the GPX trace? 
What if the GPX traces are anonymous?

Clearly if I can use the GPX trace, this will mean that re-mapping his 
contributions might be rather more feasible, at least in certain areas where I 
know where the footpaths go.


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