On 11 June 2012 13:28, Nick Whitelegg <nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk> wrote:
> So in summary it appears that the OS gave HCC specific permission to use
> this, and I'm guessing it's OK to use in OSM, but I am not in any sense of
> the word a legal expert so, what are people's opinions on this?

I'd say that it depends entirely on the precise details of the
correspondence between OS and Henk Hoff on behalf of LWG that was
referred to in [1]. (ie. whether we should take their response to
apply to the OS OpenData products, or any of their own rights that
they license under their OS OpenData License.)

Whatever was said there though, I don't think it's appropriate for
individuals mappers to have to come to a decision on anything but the
most straightforward licensing issues. I'd suggest we defer to LWG,
and ask them (on behalf of OSMF) whether they're happy with us
including this data in OSM. At the end of the day it's OSMF who are
publishing the OSM data, and it's the project as a whole that will
suffer if we include data that we don't have the right to distribute.


[1] http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-gb/2011-July/011995.html

Robert Whittaker

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