
what I'm offering here is my personal interpretation and not legal advice. I hope others will chime in.

On 16.10.2012 19:04, David Prime wrote:
I'm in the process of starting a service that uses, amongst other
sources, OSM data to compute various travel time metrics from a location.

It sounds as if your time travel metrics thereby become a database that is derived from OpenStreetMap data.

You then "publicly use" that data by displaying it to someone.

If that is correct then the license requires, in addition to proper attribution, that you, if requested by anyone who is a recipient of your "public use", make the full database of time travel metrics available to them unter the terms of ODBL 1.0. (*)

You do not have to make available the "other sources", only the derived database.

If you have a long processing chain where you create several interim databases, like

(OSM+other sources) => interim DB 1
interim DB 1 => interim DB 2
interim DB 2 => interim DB 3
interim DB 3 => public use

then the "make available" requirement applies to the last in the chain of interim databases, in this case, interim DB 3.

To avoid confusion:

1. You do not have to make your data available proactively; you can wait until someone asks you for it. Depending on your audience, of course, making it available proactively could be easier.

2. You do not have to make your data available to *everyone* - just those who are the recipients of your "public use". So if you were to e.g. sell your analyses to an elite circle of clients, only those would have the right to request the data. (With the data being under ODbL, of course, they could then pass it on to others.)


(*) The license also has alternatives to "making the data available"; you could also make the process available that leads to the data. But I assume this is not an interesting option for you.

Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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