Reading the wiki:

"What we certainly cannot do is require end-users of our
data/renderings to give credit to the particular data donor. With this
in mind, our attribution may not be sufficient legally speaking and
might actually be considered unsatisfactory by the original "authors"
of the data."

it seems to me, that also data which requires attribution only may not
be imported into OSM as long as there is not an explicit statement
from the original author/rights holder that crediting in "the OSM
system" (e.g. changeset comments, wiki, source-tags on objects which
might be later removed, credits in the description of a deducated
import account, etc.) is sufficient and it is OK for him  that the
attribution to his particular data donation might be removed later by
following users of the data?

Or what is the general interpretation of the meaning of CT/ODbL
regarding attribution only licenses?

I am refering for instance to the Italian Open Data License, which
explicitly states that it is compatible with cc-by-sa 3.0 and ODbL:
but requires to (it:"indicare la fonte delle Informazioni e il nome
del Licenziante, includendo, se possibile, una copia di questa licenza
o un collegamento (link) ad essa;")  ~"cite the source of the
information and the name of the licensor, including if possible a copy
of this license or a link to it" (informal translation).


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