Looking at the licensing page there is still the explicit requirement
to credit osm "in the corner of the map" and in the meantime the FAQ
has been amended with the same requirement. Some time ago this wasn't
required explicitly, that's why I ask when this was introduced and by
whom? (the old requirement was that it should be stated somewhere that
(c) is osm contributors).

I agree with Tobias that for apps on mobile devices which use a lot of
different data from different sources this is somehow impractical, as
it would clutter the screen (fortunately there is no minimum font size
requirement ;-) ).

There is also a whole lot of osm-based websites and services around,
which don't do attribution in this google-tos-style (some of them
credit osm somewhere on the map, but it isn't "in the corner", others
link to a dedicated sources-page with sometimes detailed information
about osm and the licensing terms).


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