Well any imports would need to go by the imports@ list where hopefully the
license would be reviewed if necessary.


From: Pekka Sarkola [mailto:pekka.sark...@gispo.fi] 
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 1:51 AM
To: 'Licensing and other legal discussions.'
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Advice regarding terms from an agency




I see here a path: first Ordnance Survey open their geodata, then National
Land Survey of Finland and Dutch Kadastre followed. Next one is Iceland and
other countries. 


All those mapping agencies give different license for their datasets. NLSFI
has following:


As far I know, all those mapping agencies will allow OSMers to take their
data sets and import to be part of OSM. 


IANAL and IMHO: local OSM mappers should decide if license is ok with OSM
licenses, then add information to Contributor pages and then guideline local
OSMers how to benefit local data sources. And this have to be done in very
fast mode.


There is other alternatives, but I prefer mine ;-)


Other possibilities:

.         OSM Board/OSM Foundation Board/OSM Legal team will read and
accept/deny those mapping agency contracts. They also guide how to use data
and what will be include in Contributor's page. My opinion: we don't have
that kind of legal resource to handle all situations. This is also very
bureaucratic and slow way to do it. Local OSM mappers will use free datasets
with or without permission: this is already happening in Finland.

.         We don't care about Contributor's datasets: at least in Finland
OSM will then be marginalized. My opinion: if we can get baseline from
somewhere we can focus to make updates to OSM and keep it as best local
source of the (geo)data.

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