On Fri, 1 Mar 2013 16:53:44 +0100 (CET), Olov McKie wrote:

As I understand our license change, it can be described as this:
(Please correct me if I am wrong) All objects that had an edit history
where someone not willing to change the license (decliner) had edited
anything was reverted back in history until no edits by any decliner
where left, thereby creating a clean database. All cleaning operations
where based on data history in the database.

Yes. This was to ensure there was no possible legal conflict, and no possible emotional upset.

Now imagine this:
A decliner adds street names on two streets Street A and Street B,
they have an intersection. Then I by "Local knowledge" know that there
is a shop in the intersection of Street A and Street B add that shop
(Shop A) to the map. Someone else adds another shop (Shop B) to the
right of the shop I added (Shop A) based on the fact that Shop B is
right of Shop A. Now the license change happened and the street names
where removed, but as far as I know the shops where left as they had
no direct history in the database related to the decliners edits. The
positions of Shop A is directly deducted from the decliners
copyrighted information about what the streets are called. The
position of Shop B is then based on the position of Shop A, therefor
indirectly deducted from the copyrighted information of the decliner.

Which part of the data from the decliner's edit sets is incorporated in your additions?

- Rob.

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