Hi all, Wikivoyage is a travel-based wiki, and was recently incarnated as a
Wikimedia project. In its previous history, there weren't any solid
attempts at introducing and integrating OpenStreetMaps, but much progress
has been made at http://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Wikivoyag …
examples can be seen internally at
http://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Wheaton, which relies on an external map
server http://maps.wikivoyage-ev.org/w/poimap2 …
I think we are pretty close to start site-wide implementation, but before
that, it looks like we need to sort out attribution and legal issues.

I know Google Maps data is not accepted here, and we have tried our best to
steer users to use OSM data, but some are still more comfortable using
Google Maps "What's here" as a way to pinpoint coordinates. From what I
understand, that isn't kosher either - is this correct?

We would definitely want to work more closely with OSM, at both importing
and exporting data. Plans have been discussed to batch geocode points of
interest from the OSM database and also for us to send back new Wikivoyage
POIs to OSM. Since coordinate data is still in infancy, if OSM are unsure
of Wikivoyage sources, it is still early enough to remove such data and
require stronger attribution in the future, to make sure we follow
licensing more closely. What would be the suggested process here?

On a user basis, we could ask for a source, but what would be the required
attribution on a site basis, as we'll be merging OSM geodata into our
listings, but some will also be non-OSM/personal geodata. Has enough
information been added for a Produced Work?
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