> From: Simon Poole [mailto:si...@poole.ch]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:24 AM
> Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Which legislation applies: server or data
> location?
> Ian has already given a good answer. So just a couple of further notes:

Some more notes, from a slightly different perspective

- The UK has as strong or stronger IP protection for map data than other
countries, rendering the question moot most of the time.

- As this question originated with an import, any such questions *should* be
raised in the import proposal. My guess is that the DWG would tell the user
to not import until they get clearance from the LWG.

- What OSM does is flat out illegal in some places (North Korea being the
typical example, but not the only one). I don't think anyone is particularly
concerned, although contributors in such countries may be. Similarly,
distributing non-official boundaries may be a problem, and it's impossible
to satisfy countries on both sides of some boundaries at the same time.

- When dealing with government data, the concerns have mainly been if it is
legal in that country. Local governments near me will not license database
rights because no such concept exists to them.

I had more, but paused and forgot it.

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