Rob Myers <rob@...> writes:

> On 03/10/13 04:32 AM, Jonathan Harley wrote:
> > On 02/10/13 18:59, Rob Myers wrote:
> >>
> >> Is it possible to have a BY-SA 4.0 Produced Work?
> > 
> > It's possible to give a produced work derived from OSM any license you
> > like (if that's what you mean?) so long as it retains OSM's attribution.
> > Including "all rights reserved".
> But doesn't BY-SA claim to cover the database rights? Doesn't that clash
> with the ODbL?


Pekka was asking about initial import if the source vector data is published
as CC-BY-4.0. Do you have opinions about that?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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