2014-10-29 12:32 GMT+01:00 SomeoneElse <li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk>:

> What I read was "MapBox pays some bloke called Kevin

doesn't seem to be a nobody in this field though:
"Kevin is the Executive Director of the Centre for Spatial Law and Policy
and a lawyer focusing on the unique legal and policy issues associated with
spatial data and spatial technology. These issues include intellectual
property rights, licensing, liability, privacy and national security. He
writes and speaks extensively on spatial law and technology. He is a member
of the Board of Directors of the Open Geospatial Consortium and is active
in other geospatial associations..."

so regardless that by asking 2 lawyers about geodata and licenses you'd
typically get 3 different interpretations (so I am told), this bloke at
first glance looks like an expert for this topic...

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