On 8/21/2015 7:41 AM, Simone Aliprandi wrote:
Do you know if any news have come in these six years? Do you know if
OSM received a sort of "direct permission" to include those data in
the OSM database?

GADM is still under a non-commercial license. I don't know who said they were going to investigate, so you'd have to ask them, but I doubt anything came of it. Independently of that, we got permission for some datasets from GADM after the fact of a bad import, but this does not mean we can import anything new.

Another interesting issue is that Naturalearthdata.com
(http://www.naturalearthdata.com/) includes the GADM dataset as a
source of data (see
But Naturalearthdata.com release ALL ITS DATA as public domain. So...
something is missing in the workflow. Any ideas/suggestions?
I don't see anything that says the admin 1 theme is derived from GADM. I can see it listed in resources, but that's not a list of sources.

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