
On 09/24/2015 10:17 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> and another with exactly these coordinates and their
>> OSM reverse geocoding result, and that you join them when displaying,
>> and make the OSM result database available under ODbL on request
> Does he even have to? Isn't this covered by the trivial transformations rule? 

I think the trivial transformations rule would cover use cases where a
selection is made from OSM intrinsic properties ("everything with the
tag X"). This can easily be repeated by everyone.

I would hesitate to apply this rule for making a selection that can not
be repeated ("select reverse geocoding results for this non-public list
of coordinates and store them in my non-public derived database").

The case where the selection criteria are external to OSM, but publicly
available, is somewhere in between. I would always recommend erring on
the side of caution.

> In particular he doesn't add anything to OSM that isn't already in it, so 
> there's nothing to share that would be useful to us.

Whether something is useful to us or not is not a factor in determining
where ODbL share-alike applies. This is not great - I'd love a license
that forces people to share stuff we're interested in and ignores
everything else. But it is hard to put that in lawyerese ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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