
I was informed that here (the legal-talk mailing list) would be the best place 
to discuss about this matter.

Recently, the data portal has released a list of route reference numbers, which 
can be accessed from the link: http://data.gov.my/view.php?view=921 and I would 
like to use it to update OSM.

The terms of usage is originally in the Malay language as stated in 
http://data.gov.my/folders/others/TermaPenggunaan.pdf. So I have requested an 
English translation from the related government agency which can be viewed 
here: http://1drv.ms/1nqOwFk.

I wonder if it is compatible with ODbL? I would be very glad to know about its 
compatibility - because if it is not so, then I could inform the Malaysian 
mappers to not use it for updating OSM.
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