Am So, 13.03.2016, 13:23 schrieb Simon Poole:
> IMHO if you don't undertake any efforts to suppress duplicate objects
> (which would include purely visual operations too) you already have
> completely separate datasets and are already clearly in, potentially
> ugly though, Collective Database territory.

So you're saying, the Community Guidelines for horizontal map layers
don't take place here?

The idea came up in a GIS course some days ago. One of the students has
built a small geocoder to show POIs of uploaded addresses in Leaflet.

There are some services, for corporations and newspapers, to easily
create maps based on OpenStreetMap tiles. Actually, you just upload
your address lists or GPX files on their and style them. Since it's
on a seperated layer, it never touches the geometry of OpenStreetMap
objects - but of course it interacts with the features.

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