Am 29.06.2016 um 23:26 schrieb Tobias Wendorff:
> Am Mi, 29.06.2016, 22:58 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
>> just that this list becomes very long, see
> You wouldn't see "" in a German map extract of course.
> I just wasn't creative enough to add data from one spatial area :)
> "(C) OpenStreetMap, Vermessungs- und Katasteramt Dortmund,
> Amt für Geoinformation, Liegenschaften und Kataster Bochum"
> That's common practice in the real world.
Only if you are talking about proprietary data vendors: google, here and
so on, they essentially have only one level of down stream and close
control over every one of their data consumers. In the case of google
they further have complete control over any applications using the data.

In contrast we produce open data, as essentially the only player, that
is used in many different ways and the down stream consumer might be
very very very many steps away from us, requiring and technically
implementing extensive attribution of 3rd parties down stream is simply
completely impractical IMHO (for example you would have to maintain the
attribution data in every format you convert OSM data to).


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