From: "Kathleen Lu via legal-talk" <>
> So if what is extracted is solely what was in the database, then the 
> extraction is not
> material that the tile license covered (the tile license cannot actually
> change the license of the data, which is ODbL, as that would be
> impermissible under ODbL). 

Yeah, that's why I assumed, too.

> Thus, assuming the shapefiles are essentially the equivalent of
> simplified OSM border shapefiles, the shapefiles are covered by ODbL.

Actually, it's like 40% OSM borders (hard borders, like roads, rivers, 
topography and administrative stuff) and 60% own borders, which don't appear in 
OSM. BUt those borders wouldn't make OSM any better, since they're specific for 
the current task.

> Now, it sounds like you're not tracing very much, so it's possible that
> you have traced fewer than 100 features in which case your tracing is
> insubstantial

Actually, I've traced more than 100 features, but the "extraction is 
non-systematic and clearly based on your own qualitative criteria" - okay, not 
on my one, but on the one who draw the overlay with the pen.

But what does this result in? Sorry for asking... it's a real life problem, not 
a constructed one.

And please remember the other question I've asked. I haven't found an answer on 
the web or the OSM boards.

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