To whom it may concern,


  I’ve been working on an atlas of languages spoken in Angola for a couple
years on and off now and am nearing completion of it.


  Some colleagues and I are wanting to make sure I’m using the correct and
proper attribution for OSM data on the maps. And also want to check again
that I’m using the OSM data in the right way regarding copyright rules. 


  I’ve started with SIL copyrighted language polygons which have been
updated using geographic data from data that SIL
acquired a couple of years ago. So to make it clear, the SIL polygons have
not been updated based off of any OSM data or in reference to any OSM data.
I’ve used administrative boundary lines from a couple sources, primarily

Stanford digital repository data which is in the public domain and updated
those a bit using ESRI satellite imagery on my ArcGIS desktop platform.
According to conversations our mapping group has had with ESRI we have
permission to do that using ESRI satellite imagery with appropriate


  I’ve used OSM layers which I downloaded as shapefiles and subsequently did
update some of the road and rivers layers only based on ESRI satellite
imagery; again on my ArcMap desktop platform. As far as I can tell, ESRI
satellite imagery is an approved source of OSM updates since 2017. The OSM
layers that I’m planning on using are for roads, rivers, lakes and forest
areas. The lakes and forest areas are unchanged selections for the country.
The roads and rivers layers are selections which have been edited/improved
using ESRI satellite imagery. I plan to have these shapefiles of OSM data
available upon request per the copyright rules. When I have time, I’d like
to update the OSM database itself with my updates if they are more detailed
and accurate than the existing lines. Just not sure when I’ll have the time
to do that. J


  I used place names and locations from and went
through a long process of getting all the names and spellings and locations
just right via my work colleague who has contacts in the Angolan government
in country who gave us the information.


  So I have a couple questions.


1.       As far as I can tell from the copyright statement and use cases
this is a produced work and SIL International, Map Maker, Ltd. And will retain their copyright for their parts of the
produced work(overall map design, language polygons, admin boundaries and
places), and OSM will retain their copyright for their parts of the produced
work(roads, rivers, lakes and forests). This is because the rest of the
other data wasn’t derived from any of the OSM data. Also the OSM data
doesn’t interact with the other data as it doesn’t follow the same lines as
the other data. That is especially clear where admin boundary lines and
coincident language boundary lines do not exactly match OSM river lines. I
also chose to generalize the admin boundary lines and language boundary
lines a bit for artistic purposes based on the scale at a province level.
Does this seem correct in this case? I’ve included a draft province map for
reference to make it clear how I’m using the different layers. The main
thing I’m wanting to make sure of is that SIL and will
retain their copyrights for the language polygons and places in the country
and not be required to be freely distributed under any of the OSM copyright
terms or policies.


2.        Is the following attribution correct specifically for the OSM data
that I will use? Note that the publication will be in Portuguese. So I’ve
translated everything that I felt pertinent into Portuguese. Is that
appropriate, or are there parts of it or all of the OSM attribution that
should or need to be in English?  I’ve been planning on putting this
attribution on each of the 17 province maps and a country overview map. Is
that necessary to put the attribution on each map, or do I only need to
include it in the front matter of the atlas, as the plan is to have all the
maps together in the publication? Perhaps there is a more descriptive OSM
attribution that could be included in the front matter, and a more simple or
streamlined attribution on the individual maps? At first I had down ©
OpenStreetMap contribuidores CC-BY-SA  (2020), however my colleague
suggested CC-BY-SA would be better to be replaced by the newer license ODbL.
And I’m not actually sure I need to include CC-BY-SA or ODbL as I’m not
using tiles, just selections of OSM shapefiles. Overall  I just want to make
sure I’m correctly attributing the OSM layers. Also, a colleague
specifically asked if the copyright symbol needs to be included in the
attribution for OSM data or if it could be taken out as he says data can’t
be copyrighted. 


© 2020 SIL International®, Todos os direitos reservados;

Limites administrativos: Limites e Lugares Mundiais pela ESRI (2019) e Map
Maker, Ltd. (2007);

Limites municipais, Angola, 2007 Map Maker, Ltd. Disponível em:;

Estradas, rios, lagos e florestas: © OpenStreetMap contribuidores ODbL

Llugares: Inclui geodados do (2020).


3.       I’m planning on having the OSM shapefiles available upon request.
Since the publication will be in printed form as an atlas, I’m thinking of
including my personal e-mail or perhaps and/or the e-mail of the Angolan
government representative or department in the front matter of the atlas as
the way to contact me and/or them and request the OSM shapefiles. Is that
OK? If I have the time to update open street map itself with my edits, or at
least the edits I feel add value and are more detailed or more accurate and
then refer people to updated OSM shapefiles for the country would that
suffice for providing the data without having to also send the shapefiles
I’m using for the map as they are? I’m not sure replacing all of my edits
would be the best idea as in some places I edited for simplicity and
included long stretches of road based on satellite imagery which were
continuous lines vs the often more detailed OSM short segments. I also
didn’t add or edit any metadata to any new or edited lines. So metadata
would need to be added/updated when putting directly into the OSM database.
I’m more than happy to send anyone the shapefiles, I’m just thinking long
term 20-30 years down the road e-mails may change and it might get difficult
get new contact information out or ensure people have access to the


I can send a pdf of a sample map I intend to use if anyone would like to see
it. But the file is 2MB so I can’t include it here. 



Marcus Love

Mapping specialist – Africa area

Analytics and Information Management (AIM)

SIL International



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