My understanding is that 58.2 covers the rights of UK based entities, with 
other words it extends the directives article 11 to cover UK residents and 

Am 14. Dezember 2020 00:11:25 MEZ schrieb Tom Hummel via legal-talk 
>sorry for reopening.
>> This was the subject of the original message in this thread. The 
>> situation post December 31st 2020 is such that protection for sui 
>> generis databases will remain for database published before that date
>> the UK till the protection term runs out. In the case of OSM when the
>Thanks, I see you are referring to art. 58 of the withdrawal agreement
>The UK government explains this as follows: “Database rights that exist
>in the UK or EEA before 1 January 2021 (whether held by UK or EEA
>persons or businesses) *will continue* to exist in the UK *and EEA* for
>the rest of their duration.”
>As far as I understand the article, however, there is protection within
>the UK for European entities. Yet, I can’t find a provision which
>covers the issue vice versa, i.e. an UK entity would loose protection
>within EEA.
>I think the accepted term for this is ’reciprocity gap’. I am not sure
>if my understanding of english legal communications is good enough for
>The 15y period was not intended to provide protection against change of
>law. I suppose it’s a protection of investment for a certain amount of
>time. Without EU membership the premises for the law changes. According
>to this, OSMF might loose standing in respect to the directive in
>german courts. (EEA too?)
>legal-talk mailing list

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