Dual 1.42GHz CPU board taken from Power Mac G4 FireWire 800. They were
installed on logic board 820-1500-A, but are compatible with any
Mirrored Drive Doors or FireWire 800 logic board that has a 167MHz bus
speed. Included is the mounting bracket and the copper heatsink, the
only MDD/FW800 heatsink solution that really works.*

The board was tested last week buy running it for 3 days and it is in
sound working condition. Both CPUs passed the Apple Service Diagnostic
Test as well.

$150 plus S/H FedEx Ground from 90503
PayPal only.

(*)  DP1.42 runs on average about 10°C cooler than MDD DP1.0 and MDD/
FW800 DP1.25. Cooler running temperatures mean the fans run less
often, which makes DP1.42 not only the fastest MDD/FW800 model, but
also the quietest.  With a genuinely effective cooling system in
place, the full processing power of the dual CPUs obtains, whereas
previous models like FW DP1.25 were hobbled to a great extent by
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