A 1.25 GHz Aluminum PowerBook (FW800-Al) upgraded with full 2 GB of
installed RAM, a 74.41 GB, a new Hitachi 5400 RPM hard drive; Airport
Extreme, SuperDrive, BlueTooth, internal modem, etc., Ser.
#V733868MNRZ.  High-capacity NuPower replacement battery, decent
performer, in good shape but more than 1-year old, so not guaranteed.
Includes AC power adapter, other cables and original factory box.
Display is perfect with no keyboard marks.  Hinges good. Case very
clean, no dings or dents, only the slightest bottom-case scuffing,
hardly noticeable.  Back-lit keyboard shows no signs of wear.  $650
OBO.  Full price offer will include shipping.  Images available.

Bill Hatchell
18 Ocate Ct.
Placitas, NM 87043
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