Update--No longer use Gmail--email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks

On Oct 20, 3:20 pm, rjm713 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,  Time to let go of some of my Powerbooks.
> 1. Fully functional 233Mhz/512L2/64Mbs/2GB/14" LCD. Includes CD drive--
> power brick--and a battery that takes a charge. I have no idea how
> long it will hold a charge so no guaranties on the battery or the PRAM
> battery.Will include a fresh install of OS8.1 and includes the CD.
> Price is $50.00 shipped in the lower 48.
> 2. Parts machine. 233Mhz/32Mbs/2GB/12" LCD. Includes a dead battery--
> bad PRAM battery-floppy drive. There is no CD drive or power brick
> with this unit. It is being sold fo parts only but with a power source
> will boot to OS8. The display has issues but can be set to a viewable
> condition. Also the trackpad has an issue but will function. Price is
> $30.00 shipped to the lower 48.
> Ralph Myrick
> Elberta, Alabama 36530
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