Its time to clean out once again

I have the following for sale

3Com SuperStack 24 Port 10/100 Switch in original packaging $40
3Com SuperStack II 12 Port 10/100 Switch- has fiber uplink ports $20
SyQuest EZFlyer230 and 135 Drives with 6 or 7 cartridges- SCSI Cable
Included $20 Shipped
Dayna Serial-Ethernet Adapter- all cables and floppy installer
included.  Connects your system 6 or 7 serial mac to Ethernet network
$25 shipped
Gateway Laptop AMD64 2.0ghz- Missing screen and HD 256MB RAM.  Was
used as a NAS with external USB drives.  Good battery  50 dollars
USB 2.0 PCI Card 10 dollars shipped
Original iBook G4 Install Media 10.4 DVDs 20 dollars shipped
Original Intel iMac Install DVDs 10.4 20 dollars shipped
MacOS X 10.0  $20 shipped
MacOS X 10.2 $20 shipped

Prices are negotiable

PayPal Preferred

Ebay feedback under cindy012365
Positive feedback: 100%|Feedback score: 14

Cindy Fejedelem
Montrose MI 48457

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