
I'm looking for an older Palm keyboard in the El Cheapo price range. 
Specifically, any of the below models:

Stowaway Keyboard for Palm m100 (Think Outside Part No. P10713U)
Stowaway Keyboard for Palm III/VII (Think Outside Part No. P170-1101)
Palm Portable Keyboard m100/III/VII (Palm Part No. PCS-PDA-2112)

If you're not sure what you've got, (and believe me, these keyboards all seem 
to look alike) please take a look at the back of the unit.  There's a barcode 
there, with two sets of letters and numbers below it.  The first set 
immediately below the barcode is the serial number (which doesn't do us much 
good).  The second set (below the serial number) is the Part Number.

I know that Palm and many third parties have gone on to make a Godzillion 
different models of Palm keyboards.  Unfortunately, I am *only* able to use the 
above keyboards with the above part numbers; anything else won't work. When you 
reply, please be sure to tell me which of the above keyboards you're offering 
so I know what I'm looking at.

Please let me know your asking price, along with the cost of cheap/slow 
shipping to zip 95132 (SF Bay Area).  Since these keyboards are plastic and 
relatively fragile, I will need the keyboard shipped in a small box.

I can pay via PayPal (balance transfer).  Personal check is also a possibility 
if you are PayPal-averse.  In the interests of full disclosure, however, it's 
only fair to say that folks who accept PayPal will likely take precedence.


James Fraser    

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